Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files: War Cry Collection by Jim Butcher and Mike Powers

I am a long time fan of the Dresden Files. Jim Butcher writes a great book. And in War Cry he, along with Mike Powers, has written a great graphic novel. Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional wizard is one of my favorite characters. He is smart, stubborn, and a congenital smartmouth. He just doesn’t know when to quit. And for what he’s up against in this graphic novel, that’s gonna come in handy.

It’s sort of an “untold story” of the war between the White Council and the Red Court of vampires. Harry, a new Warden, is taking several inexperienced new Wardens in a mission to Iowa, in the winter. The Venatori Umbrorum, a group of scholars, is under attack by the Red Council. Harry and the Wardens are not sure why, that wasn’t covered in their orders.

The vampires drastically outnumber Harry and the group he is protecting. There are several battles and the artwork on these is wonderful. It is one thing to read a description of the way spells work in the novels, seeing it in this graphic novel takes it up a notch.

What I find impressive about the story is that Butcher and Powers stack the deck against Harry and company over and over. And how every time Harry finds a way to beat the odds that I did not see coming. I value being surprised when I am reading a good story. And this one had plenty of them. Plus I loved seeing Thomas in action and I just can't get enough of Warden Ramirez. Perhaps one day there could be a spin-off story starring him? I'd read it.

If you haven’t read any of the Dresden Files, you won’t be lost. This is a good stand alone story. If, like me, you are a fan, it is a fine addition to the Dresden Files canon. I recommend giving this one a read.

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